Exciting Day~

Well, it has been a long time since I posted a message and I wanted to apologize. Life has taken over and left little time for any minor details in my own personal life. Today we got to see the joyful faces of some of our units men come home from Iraq. The familes waited for two hours to watch the commercial airliner arrive at Campbell Army Airfield. We stood behind the gates to cheer them on as they disembarked off the plane with all of their gear and guns. Their faces were full of pride and the familes cried with joy. What a joyous day! I will get to experience this myself sometime the week of the 11th, so I count the next three flights as a test run for me...ha ha
I wanted to include a picture of Lauren because she has changed so much over the last three or four months. She is walking around furniture and getting into anything that her hands can find. It is really getting on my nerves...... But is making me skinner from chasing her.
I hope everyone is doing well!
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