This is a picture of what I have been doing for the last few weeks. I bought this house with intentions of flipping it.........but I changed my mind, we are moving into to it.....Just Kidding...Clint would kill me after all of his hard work he has put into the house we live in. I told him the same story, and he knew I was kidding from the start because he knows I am to busy to move right now. The girls and I have spent many nights working on this house to get it back on the market and tomorrow is the glorious day it will happen. What is funniest about this whole thing is I have spent lots of time cleaning this house and I have a house keeper who comes and cleans mine..lol We are hoping to have it sold soon....the first payment comes due July 1!
Lauren is doing well. She crawls faster than ever and she gets into everything. Jordyn is doing great also. She has informed me many times that it is just to hot to go outside and play. We got a fence installed last week so I have spent the weekends picking up the rocks that they found when digging the holes for the posts. So this weekend we are planning on putting out more mulch in the flower beds.
So on another note, the big event this past weekend was I bought a dyson vaccum cleaner. Man that is worth every last penny you pay for it. I LOVE IT! Sad when your excitement in life is a vaccum cleaner.
Hope everyone is doing okay! Clint is doing well. Talked to him today and all he could say is man it is hot! Speaking of Clint, we are selling Nalgene Water bottles with his unit crest on it for $12.00 for all of you guys who drink lots of water. I can send an example if anyone is interested. All proceeds from the sale go to the welcome home event for our guys return!
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